3DS Max : Vray sun
This tutorial shows how to create a realistic looking sun in Vray. We will be looking at the Vray framebuffer and the vray skylight.
You can of course change the color of the skylight en the intensity of the target direct light. Or maybe at a vray sky to the environment. So i hope enjoyed andl earned somthing from this tutorial. And use it on you’r own personal projects.
mental ray the best
then use the mental and be happy!
i want learn 3d max
Man, the dude is dying!!!
Thank you, nice tutorial!
thank you very much, vray is the best.
You are nice tutorial. if you can post as document is much better, I can download and see more clear.
awesome and easy tutorial… but i want more to learn vray lighting and rendering.
Could not hear his voice worth jack. It may have been a good tutorial…IF he had spoken louder and more clearer. Sorry…but this tutorial was hardly any help to me because of the lack of voice sound. Please remake this tutorial with a louder voice. Then maybe it will be more helpful.
I would give this tutorial a 2 out of 10 because it was hard to hear his voice.
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